Friday, January 11, 2008

My New Year's resolution is to stop procrastinating, I think, but I haven't really decided yet.

I mentioned starting an underground fighting ring to someone from Sunday School class. I think it would be a great way to attract new people to church who might not ordinarily come. He agreed that it would probably do that, and then returned to his ping-pong game.

On Christmas I had a too-long conversation with someone about hairstyle. I simply mentioned that he was looking nicely trimmed, as he is usually fairly shaggy in between haircuts. He told me I should get a haircut too. I had been considering shaving my head, though it usually takes me some months either to get around to it or to be sure I don't want to start dreadlocks. I usually go at least a year between shearings. Once I went two years and donated 12 inches to Locks of Love. King David's son Absalom would grow about five pounds of hair before cutting it. I don't know if he donated it. My recently trimmed interlocutor told me it took him only two days to get sick of his long hair and have it cut. He informed me that not only is long hair impractical, but that I shouldn't shave my head either, because we must take into account social normatives. I considered cutting my hair into a mohawk, knocking on his door and telling him this was an intervention.

1 comment:

Alyce Faulkner said...

Don't do it.
I like your hair long (and Meredith's)
But bald or long, I still love you.